Uniform Information
School Uniform
We believe a school uniform fosters a sense of belonging to the school community. It equals all of us and makes us part of the whole. Therefore children are expected to wear school uniform at Chislet Church of England School.
Girls’ Uniform- Winter Terms (Terms 2,3,4)
- a white shirt/Blouse
- a blue dress/skirt or a grey skirt/dress
- a blue school sweatshirt/cardigan with the school logo
- a school tie
- suitable flat shoes in either black or brown - no trainers or open-toed sandals
Girls Uniform- Summer terms (Terms 1,5,6)
- a white polo shirt – preferably with the school logo
- a blue and white checked summer dress or a blue dress/skirt or a grey skirt/dress
- a blue school sweatshirt/cardigan with the school logo
- suitable flat shoes in either black or brown - no trainers or open-toed sandals
Boys Uniform - Winter Terms (Terms 2,3,4)
- a white shirt
- grey or black trousers
- a school tie
- a blue school sweatshirt with the school logo
- suitable flat shoes in either black or brown ffg- no trainers
Boys Uniform Summer Terms (Terms 1,5,6)
- a white polo shirt preferably with the school logo
- grey or black trousers or suitable black or grey shorts
- a blue school sweatshirt with the school logo
- suitable flat shoes in either black or brown- no trainers
- P. E. Kits All Year round
- White T-shirt with school logo
- Dark navy shorts (girls can wear a skort (skirt/short combination)
- Trainers or plimsolls, preferably with Velcro fastenings for the younger years.
- Track suit bottoms for winter months
Children come to school wearing PE kits on their allocated PE days. These days will be told to you by the class teacher.
We ask all items of clothing has a name clearly attached.
Barnums is the supplier of our logoed uniform items.